It's easy to despise the wilderness because it seems dry and isolated. Plus, the process is long and arduous😩. I submit to you an alternative view of the wilderness. Instead of loathing and being afraid of the wilderness, celebrate and approach it with great expectation!
If you are in a dry season, have no fear! You've been summoned to the desert because God intends to supersize and increase you, exponentially. In this place of seclusion, beneath the Master’s wings, leaders and world changers are developed, transformed, and produced!
Consider the following as proof of my claims:
✨Moses went into the wilderness as a fugitive and walked out as the leader of God’s chosen people and the author of the Torah.
✨Joseph went into the wilderness as a slave and was elevated to viceroy of Egypt.
✨David went into the wilderness as a shepherd and an enemy of the crown and emerged a giant slayer and a King.
✨Jesus went into the wilderness isolated and alone, and arose as a minister, healer, miracle worker and Savior of the world.
Child of God, imagine what you will become and accomplish when you walk out of your wilderness! You are going to be extraordinary! There is so much He wants to do in and through you.
So, instead of complaining, praise Him for setting you apart🙌🏽. This is your only job in the wilderness, praise and worship. Your Father will handle the rest.
I pray that God gives you living water in your dry place. I pray that dead things raise to life. I pray that out of your barrenness Isaac is born. Most of all, I pray He bless and increase you abundantly in your wilderness.

Thank you for your kind words, Kendra. When you’re in a wilderness, you're in the center of God’s will. Plus, you will walk out blessed and equipped, stronger and wiser, amongst other benefits. Remember, no matter what happens, God always works things out for your good (Romans 8:28) because He loves you.
May God reward and bless you in your current and future seasons🙏🏾
Love you big time💕
This post was so insightful! I never understood my "wilderness" but I now have a different outlook on it. I'm expecting great things 🙌🏽🙌🏽Thank you for educating me ❤